Block Party
Digital Art
Senior Capstone Group Project, Spring 2021
A group of artists came together to create an event for the community called Block Party. Where they invite the neighborhood to come eat diverse foods that Milwaukee restaurants have to offer for their residents. The pandemic highly impacted small businesses causing some businesses to close permanently. Block party is a friendly neighborhood event that brings people together to get to know the small business owners in the Milwaukee Area. Specifically, 65 restaurants, from 13 neighborhoods come together for the 3 days, Block party offers to the Milwaukeeans.
The total amount of members on this team was 5, including the artist. Each team member chose a role, one person was in charge of social media design, another was in charge of website design, one was strategist lead, and the other was team lead. The artist’s role on this group’s project was the copywriter such as translating poster designs from English to Spanish, to make the Block party event an inclusive party, as Milwaukee is known to be a diverse city. Everyone was responsible for designing a poster, create a mockup, and research different restaurants in a particular neighborhood. Every week the team would meet up to share the designs and critique them and target the next set of designs for next week. They organized themselves by creating a calendar and communicate with each other with Slack with any questions, or help that they needed.
The group chose to work with the logo as it appears, having the leg of the letter L, and the bar of the letter T extend to portray a top view of a corner of a street. The colors were chosen to have bright, welcoming, picnic colors as this was the original idea of having a party outside as a family event, with food, and entertainment.